





​爱游戏,萧山4 000 t/d污泥集中焚烧处理项目实践 孟鑫1, 陈伟2, 陈柏校3(1.杭州萧山环境投资发展有限公司,浙江 杭州 311200;2.杭州蓝成环保能源有限公司,浙江 杭州 311200;


焦点提醒: 萧山4 000 t/d污泥集中燃烧处置项目实践 孟鑫1, 陈伟2, 陈柏校3(1.杭州萧山情况投资成长无限公司,浙江 杭州 311200;2.杭州蓝成环保能源无限公司,浙江 杭州 311200;3.杭州国泰环保科技股分无限公司,浙江 杭州 311200)中国给水排水2024年污水处理厂提标改造(污水处理提质增效)高级研讨会(第八届)邀请函暨征稿启事中国给水排水2024年污水处理厂提标改造(污水处理提质增效)高级研讨会(第八届)邀请函暨征稿启事

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  • English上一篇下一篇PDF下载[1]孟鑫,陈伟,陈柏校.萧山4 000 t/d污泥集中燃烧处置项目实践[J].中国给水排水,2022,38(8):127-132. MENGXin,CHENWei,CHENBai-xiao.Practice of Xiaoshan 4 000 t/d Centralized Sludge Incineration Project[J].China Water & Wastewater,2022,38(8):127-132.点击复制

    萧山4 000 t/d污泥集中燃烧处置项目实践中国给水排水[ISSN:1000-4062/CN:12-1073/TU]卷:第38卷期数:2022年第8期页码:127-132栏目:出书日期:2022-04-17
    Practice of Xiaoshan 4 000 t/d Centralized Sludge Incineration Project
    孟鑫1, 陈伟2, 陈柏校3
    (1.杭州萧山情况投资成长无限公司,浙江 杭州 311200;2.杭州蓝成环保能源无限公司,浙江 杭州 311200;3.杭州国泰环保科技股分无限公司,浙江 杭州 311200)
    MENG Xin1, CHEN Wei2, CHEN Bai-xiao3
    (1. Hangzhou Xiaoshan Environmental Investment Development Co. Ltd., Hangzhou 311200, China; 2. Hangzhou Lancheng Environmental Protection Energy Co. Ltd., Hangzhou 311200, China; 3. Hangzhou Guotai Environmental Protection Technology Co. Ltd., Hangzhou 311200, China)
    municipal sludge incineration;deep dewatering of sludge;circulating fluidized bed boiler
    萧山4 000 t/d污泥集中燃烧处置项目针对污水厂污泥处置困难,经由过程深度脱水与燃烧发电相连系的体例处置污泥。深度脱水工艺采取化学调度和机器压滤的脱水体例,分歧含水率的污泥经由过程一次压滤脱水就可以到达燃烧要求。脱水干化后的污泥含水率降至45%~50%,与质量比为10%的煤夹杂后,送入轮回流化床汽锅进行燃烧。与通俗燃煤电厂掺烧污泥比拟,本项目泥煤配比有严重冲破,污泥燃烧量有很年夜的提高,入炉燃烧处置污泥达1 800 t/d(含水率45%)。污泥燃烧的余热用在发电,实现了污泥能量转化和净能量输出。烟气处置系统设置装备摆设石灰石-石膏湿法脱硫、静电除尘、布袋除尘、低氮燃烧等手艺办法,烟气排放目标持久不变优在欧盟2010排放尺度。
    In view of the difficult issues of sludge treatment in a wastewater treatment plant, Xiaoshan 4 000 t/d centralized sludge was treated by the combination of deep dewatering, incineration and power generation. Chemical conditioning and mechanical pressure filtration are adopted in the process of deep dewatering, and the sludge with various moistures can be dewatered to meet the requirement of incineration by the single dewatering process. After dewatering, the sludge moisture was reduced to 45%-50%. After mixing with coal of 10% weight, the sludge was sent to the circulating fluidized bed boiler for incineration. Compared with common coal-fueled power plants, the sludge-to-coal ratio is much higher, thus the sludge incineration capacity has been greatly improved as high as 1 800 t of sludge (moisture 45%) every day. The waste heat of sludge combustion is used for power generation, thus realizing energy conversion and net energy output. The flue gas treatment system is equipped with limestone-gypsum wet desulfurization, electrostatic dust removal, baghouse dust removal, low nitrogen combustion, and other technical measures, thus the gas emission stably outperforms the Directive of EU2010/75/EC in a long run.


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    更新日期/Last Update:2022-04-17


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